
There are literally 1,000’s of "Applications" and a huge range of functions for the considerable range of different types of sectional helices that can be formed from a Helix Flight Manufacturing Machine.

Helix Flight also extends information and inside knowledge to our machine owners by presenting comprehensive data regarding the extensive range of industries, applications, functions, terminologies, subject images, and other vital information which helps to grow and gain a competitive advantage which allows for swifter market penetration, integration and ongoing beneficial developments.

Helix Flight’s technology is applicable across a vast selection of industries; and additionally, our dedicated team offer keen, personalised customer support to assist whenever the need arises.

The following "Applications" are only a very small selection of examples shown on our machine owner's membership pages which we constantly update and publish on this website:

Vertical Feed Mixer Wagons

Vertical Feed Mixer Wagons

Common to many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's) designs are large, lower helix lead-edge, with Outer Diameters of up to 2,700mm that have to ...

Common to many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's) designs are large, lower helix lead-edge, with Outer Diameters of up to 2,700mm that have to be highly-accurate, with tight-fitting tolerances on the lead-edge; this enables the blade to sweep material without waste off the wagon floor. This fact, together with being able to form these helices with an aggressive perimeter taper in their final cut form, allows Helix Flight Forming Technology to lead the way in this highly-specialist, and demanding, field of helix forming manufacturing. Our Blank Cut Design Management (BCDM) software makes a simple task of what once (and to some, still is), an exceptionally tough task to achieve with any certainty of success.

Remember – Helix Flight's Technology has far less wastage, when alternative machines must also add tags into the plate to help create the perimeter taper; and then additional time has to be spent to re-cut the plate, adding considerable costs due to the extra time needed for the further grinding and polishing necessary to get the taper finished to the required specifications. This is known to be difficult, and costly work which is also associated with a lot of material wastage using other machines, or labour intensive ways to achieve a similar outcome... invariably, never with the quality or as accurately as a Helix Flight Forming Machine!

Helix Flight Technology enables complete versatility when creating a perimeter tapered helix, with NO limitation on the kind of shaft used: Conical, Square, Hexagonal, Stepped, etc. Helices on a Helix Flight Machine are able to be cut and formed flawlessly, with the utmost precision to fit the required shaft perfectly ...first time ...every time!

Large and Heavy Drilling Augers

Large and Heavy Drilling Augers

Whether the requirement is to form a 2,000mm Outer Diameter, 50mm thick blank to produce a sectional helix for a Rock Auger used in quarrying, mining ...

Whether the requirement is to form a 2,000mm Outer Diameter, 50mm thick blank to produce a sectional helix for a Rock Auger used in quarrying, mining or drilling; or a 300mm Diameter, 5mm thick small Auger for finer, precision use, Helix Flight forming technologies can swiftly, safely, and simply, resolve and deliver the ideal solution to almost every challenge.

Helix Flight fully-understand the complexity involved during the production of Auger Flights; with high pitch to shaft ratios, different surface type treatments, the individual needs for fitting different types of wear teeth. We have trialled and experimented with the widest variations imaginable; and continue to seek, develop and apply solutions that deliver the ideal Auger!

Fortunately, due to our constant Research & Development, Helix Flight is now the global technology lead for cold-forming heavy thickness helices for Augers. We have deliberately avoided the costs that are associated with pre-heating blanks, which includes the necessary provision of additional labour, added time, and not forgetting the ever-increasing costs of the expensive energy required to complete the job... This provides the opportunity for a considerable competitive advantage, including the special ability to form helices that are cut with a lead edge in the final form, and ready to accept teeth and other wear parts as required by the individual project.

Helix Flight Manufacturing Machines consistently remain at least one-bite ahead!

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